Jefferson County
High School Bands
Dandridge, TN
Thank you for considering a donation to support JCHS Band. We are a 501c3 organization. We count on fundraising and donations to keep our program running.
Our biggest current goal is to get new instruments to replace broken/older ones we currently have. Our goal is to raise $150,000.
While we are very grateful that the school system is able to help out with the costs of running the band, the money provided is not able to cover the full scope and needs of our band program
We'd love to have your support, every $1 helps! If you can donate any amount to assist us in supporting our students we would be forever grateful. Please click the Donate button below. Any amount you see fit will go towards Instrument and/or Uniform purchase.
If you want to be a Corporate Sponsor, please email us with your information and we will respond within 24 hours. Our email is JCHSBandBoosters1@gmail.com.
Thank you to everyone for considering donating to assist our high school students. We are thankful for our continued community support!
Percussion Instruments & Uniforms
100% of Goal
Thank you to the Jefferson County School Board for their support in providing funds for these needed items!