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community sponsors

local businesses: We need your help!

Our Band and Booster organizations represent families throughout Jefferson County. Your business will not only benefit from exposure to the crowds at football games and other band performances, but will also find these families will support your business in appreciation of your sponsorship.

Sponsorship benefits

• Bronze -- $100-$499 will receive a certificate of appreciation and name in concert programs.*


• Silver -- $500-$999 will receive a certificate of appreciation, name in concert programs*, and a small logo on the band truck. 


• Gold -- $1000-$2999 will receive a certificate of appreciation, name in concert programs*, and a logo on the band truck.


• Platinum -- $3000-$4999 will receive a certificate of appreciation, name in concert programs* and a large logo on the band truck.


• Diamond -- $5000 and above will receive a certificate of appreciation, name in concert programs*, plaque and a jumbo logo on the band truck.


*Concert Program recognition occurs at Winter and Spring concert.

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